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5 Frame Nucleus Hive , 2025 Phone Orders FOR MAY/ JUNE DELIVERY


Crazy!! We sold out the Nuc's within a few days. We try to be reasonable when we sell initally for we don't want to over promise and underdeliver. That being said we may have some more hives at the end of May. If you can contact Natural elements honey (craig@naturalelementshoney.ca) and we can put you on a waiting list if there is extras at the end of May. There probably will be. :) The NUC’s are strong and healthy hives.  We continually test the hives starting in spring and throughout the year ending in the fall. All have been tested and deemed disease free.  They consist of 5 combed out frames (with honey and pollen), new laying queen, 4+ sides of capped brood and lots of bees. They will be ready to transfer to your big hive. Bring it along. Our hives are locally produced and we stand behind our hives so if you are having troubles or have questions we are available. All hives are guaranteed to be good. They will be ready at the end of May / First week of June. We produce our Nucleus hives till the 2nd week of July for that is the cut-off knowing that they will be strong enough to make it through winter. If you are a new beekeeper or need a bit of a refresher course be sure to check out our Spring training courses.

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Natural Elements Honey

Natural Elements Honey is a family run business. We raise strong and healthy honey bee colonies for new and experience beekeepers. We provide Beekeeper training/mentoring so if you are in an urban environment or you want to go commercial we can help. We are focused on honey bee health, producing some of Alberta best honey and honey products.

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We love beekeeping and our bees too!

All of our bee yards we specifically pick out the location with the bees in mind. Just like buying a house it is location, location, location. Picking locations where there is natural forage for the bees and planting extra plants for the bees to forage on is what we like to do.

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 (780) 460-7773


 25217 Twp Rd 552
      Sturgeon County, AB
      Canada T8R 2C4

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